Saturday, May 4, 2013

Long overdue update with pics!

So life got in the way of posting and update so here were are. I am in the process of printing a Portal Gun from the game.  Portal Gun
Those not familiar with the game, go here(Portal) to check it out. Its from Valve and I being an avid gamer myself along with my son, really enjoy playing it

I want to upgrade the bed I have to a lighter rig so that's one of my near future plans. I had a big mess develop with the clear filament I had. It really was garbage and lesson learned. If its brittle when you buy it, don't use it, return it, never buy from that vendor again, period. Then I was printing some lucky money Buddha's for family members and the red I had sprung off the holder and that was not fun I can tell you. Don't let that happen!!! Summer is coming up quick and hopefully will have some pics up of the finished portal gun real soon!!

I found out something interesting to help in sticking the objects to the boro glass. Elmer's Glue Stick! I stopped using Kapton tape and was strictly using hairspray that is until I found the stick. Cleans off with water and just apply it after you have started heating the bed. I don't know how many uses you will get out of a application of the glue buts its a welcome addition!